There's nothing more BEAUTIFUL than a S-M-I-L-E where there was a tear before! The truth is that nothing and nobody is perfect!
Sometimes situations get messier like a complicated labyrinth to get out and people get hurt too much they actually get LOST on it but like it says :
"The pain is inevitable but the suffering is O-P-T-I-O-N-A-L!"
Eventually feeling sad doesn't mean it has to turn you into a sad person who lives always in depression crying crocodile tears until it is drowning in their own crying!
It may sound stupid to pretend to be all right when SHIT HAPPENS! But if you CAN'T change the facts, Why you WANT to change it?
Sometimes the only thing you can change is your ATTITUDE toward the storm!
So smiling as hard as you can until you actually believe it may be unbelievable but turning into a GRINCH not only in Christmas season but for the rest of the year or worst for the rest of your L-I-F-E is completely WORTHLESS!
Do you want to get revenge? Well there's nothing more smart than giving a truly shining smile to the one who made you cry! C'mon! Take your time but not your life! Let's cry and finally S-M-I-L-E together! Be brave and show me some teeth! :D
And Just THINK about it! Have you ever heard the phrase "Hate the mistake but love the lesson?" Well I assure you that when you're ready what makes you cry now will actually make you LAUGH ABOUT IT LATER!
So If the situation is really difficult don't make it more by not Trying to MOVE ON and LET GO as hard as you can. And don't forget YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL when you KEEP SMILING! :)
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