TODAY was one of those days when I was feeling kind of upset, you know the girl teen thing ... "GIRL D-R-A-M-A"
Even though I wake up and start with the wrong feet, the sun was shining all over the place. Anyway I had breakfast with a smile ear to ear instead of crying tear to tear!
"Do you ever feel like sometimes the days turned to be ALL the same?" Like turning pages of the same comic book. I got bored of everything and anything seem exciting.
I looked at the clock and the minutes seem to be passing in slow motion! "Do I really have to pretend like I enjoy standing out from by bed today?"
I chose my clothes to go to school. My school's outfit isn't something that I should care but like it says: YOU never know what you could find out THERE!
The date in the calendar seem to be ordinary like any other day of this LONG last week to finally go to vacations! I just love the sound of that magic word that turned faces when you just say it aloud. "V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N-S."
Before that and finding out that today was the birthday of a hot boy at school it looks like nothing else seem to be out of the ordinary.
Returning to what matters is that I'm still counting the days to have F-U-N when I'll see my friends. That's the point of this writing. I went to school and while I was in class. Something happened. That something that usually A-L-W-A-Y-S happens to me and lights my dark school days.
A girl friend reply! and we started talking about all that girl's secret stuff! Later another friend replied too and I kept in touch with my lovely friends that even though aren't living here in the same city we're ALL staying in the same heart and sharing the same sky from the distance.
I just love my FRIENDS like I love VACATIONS! I just think that a life without friends would be like a day sky without clouds or a night sky without stars. They're always there in the good and bad times, sometimes we forget about their existence but then when you feel really sad and lonely you just have to look up and you'll find them being there for you giving you those bright smiles even though you're miles apart you could feel their warm hugs and sweet kisses saying that E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G is gonna be AL RIGHT!
If you wanna know about me...
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