miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

El "Hola" es aún más difícil después de no haber dicho "Adiós."

Él le dijo "¡Terminamos!" en su mente con la mirada sin siquiera pronunciar o voltear.

Ella pudo sentir su fría despedida en un arrebato caliente de enojo o quizás decepción.

-Estoy harto de esta realidad dónde todo gira alrededor del dinero.- Fue en realidad lo que dijo de manera literal antes de partir fastidiado con hastío el lugar.

-¿Y qué quieres hacer? ¿Irte a vivir a un bosque?- Le respondió ella con ironía sin saber que quizás su respuesta lo alejaría de verdad.

-¡Sí! ¡Precisamente eso! ¡Detesto la ciudad! ¡Quiero irme a vivir a un bosque solo lejos de la ciudad-Dijo mientras se le iluminaban con chispas los ojos como una fogata recién prendida.

-¡Oh! ¿Estás hablando en serio?- preguntó con asombro sabiendo que ella sería incapaz de hacer lo mismo.

-¿Tú no te irías?- No, verdad... Siempre que es de ti yo fluyo contigo pero tú nunca haces lo mismo conmigo. -Le respondió irritado al saber ya su respuesta.

Así que guardó silencio sabiendo que no podía ocultar lo evidente ya que ella era una chica urbana que había crecido entre plazas.

A lo que él replicó, -Tú sabes que cuando te digo las cosas lo hago sin afán de ofender. Creo que nunca te he ofendido con todo lo que te he dicho.

Ella no pudo evitar recordar todas las veces anteriores dónde todo parecía indicar que se iría de su lado así que prefirió morderse los labios pero se le salió una frase quizás punzante sin intensión de ataque, -Ajá y luego?

No hizo falta más para que esto acabara con la conversación entre ambos. -AJÁ Y LUEGO?- Respondió él herido o indignado.  -Me voy!- Finalizó tomando sus cosas dando media vuelta sin mirar atrás. 

Ella no podía creer lo que había pasado. -¿Debería haberlo detenido? Pero  es que acaso, ¿Se habría detenido de hacerlo? 

Deseaba que no fuera una despedida en serio, así que le marcó al móvil pero él no contestó. Después decidió enviarle un mensaje de texto pero su breve conversación tampoco tuvo éxito y al parecer él ya no quería hablar.

Entonces ella comenzó desesperadamente a lanzar indirectas ciberneticas las cuáles parecían no dar resultado y justo al mismo tiempo que decidió escribir esto, él le publicó algo semejante.

Dolida y confusa no sabía que contestarle, ¿Cuál sería la respuesta perfecta?

Pero como lo perfecto no existe, sabía que no existía respuesta. 

-¡Lo siento! ¡No quise ofenderte! Sí lo hice, en todo caso quiero sepas que realmente no fue mi intención.- Escribió sonando tan cliché como todas las  demás personas que han herido sin querer alguna vez y quizás muchas de las cuáles no han sido perdonadas todavía. 

-"¡Terminamos!"- pensó él nuevamente sin cambiar de mente. 

-"¡Gracias!"-  Respondió ella lo más efusivamente en su mente. 

-¿Gracias? ¿Cómo que "gracias"?-¿No me has entendido? -¿Qué acaso no me has escuchado lo que te he dicho? -"¡Terminamos!"- Repitió él nuevamente.

-"¡Sí que te he escuchado." Pero tú no me has entendido, "Gracias por todo profundamente. Gracias por cada momento, cada detalle, cada tiempo, cada experiencia, cada destello de tu ser porque al fin tengo recuerdos y sé que se siente que te quieran realmente. Jamás había sido correspondida.-

Él no parecía nada convencido con todo lo que había dicho. Fue ahí cuando ella se dio cuenta de que nada lograría. Sin embargo se fue a dormir con satisfacción esa noche ya que sabía que si lo había intentado aunque no le creyeran. 

-Quizás debería callar porque después de todo, el mundo siempre mira desde su punto de percepción.

-"Pero en serio, gracias."- Repitió ella nuevamente.

Entonces como quizás nunca encuentre la respuesta correcta sabía que tenía que continuar su vida aunque quizás tuviera que pasar de página sin olvidar lo que había aprendido del capítulo. 

sábado, 23 de enero de 2016

First to Guess Last to Know!

"The good" and "The Bad" Ones Vs "The Real" and "The Fake" Impressions!

Let me guess I am pretty sure this isn't the first time you look someone at the street and you automatically judge that person just by their appearance! It could be their looks made by their "outfit" that is just a combination of clothes that could be probably too much "fancy", "silly" or "slutty" enough to give you a first idea of who that person may actually be in the inside. We are the judges without the title of the outside. But you know what they say? "Don't judge the book by its cover or in this case by its looks or clothing!"

What about when you aren't even looking? In this modern time we barely look up cause' we're too busy checking our cellphones! So sometimes we judge just by what we listen and let me tell you like they say... "Don't believe everything you hear, my dear!" Is really his accent going to tell you if he's worth your time to listen up? What about what other people say about that person? Is gossip always telling you the truth? Have you forgotten about that time someone made up a lie about you and everyone believed it and you got really mad cause' you knew it wasn't true?

I could easily write an article about "First Impressions" that's why I'm actually writing it! And what they really meant to me and to each one of us as part of the Society we are. First impressions are easy to make but tough to get through. After all the real deal is to make a "Good impression." Specially the very first time you met someone in your life. But let's be honest! We only really care if we want keep that person in our daily lives! 

For example I still remember the First Time I went out with this Secretly Platonic Crush I had in College. I will never know if it was a date or not but what I do know is that it wasn't as successful as I thought because there wasn't a second one. I still remember I always wondered Why? The unforgettable question What I did wrong? It was something I said or didn't say? It was because I ordered pasta instead of salad? Maybe it was because my first impression with him wasn't as great as I thought. I will never know and it's probably a good thing. Because maybe deep inside of me I really don't want to know. Maybe it's okay to not know everything.

I should admit that sometimes I have made "Good Impressions" myself with people that haven't done the same with me or at least not to feel that kind of "Spark" that made you believe that person could be "The One." Even though I didn't like them as a couple, they've stayed in my life as friends and the ones that remained as strangers turned into lessons to remember you can't force your feelings over someone. 

So let things fall into place in a natural way as it should always be. "If it's meant to be, It will happen and no one could change or avoid it! "

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

Bad Rainy Days or Good Morning SunShine Sunny Days!

Do you Want a Bad or Good Day?

It's all Up to you! You are your own God of Mood! You Have ALL the Power INSIDE to decide what kind of day you want to LIVE TODAY RIGHT NOW! (:

I know what you are thinking. You are thinking and excusing yourself to have a Great Day by saying: "There's a lot of things that happens without your concern or control." Maybe not the action but the reaction depends on you.  

- "How you gonna deal with it?" Life is messy and Love is messier.  But I bet your room is messier too. "Put in order your socks in your mind, doesn't matter how the situation sucks, you can Always find the way to organize your ideas and put yourself back in one piece." 

- Stop blaming others for the colors of your own under wear. "You're the One who should pick it. Don't pick it for someone else rather than yourself."  The World isn't Black and White. No one is Good or Bad. We're all here the same. The Same Human Nature of Making Mistakes. The difference is that most of us regret or hide them. But Only a Wise few choose to learn from them. 

- If Someone Said Something inappropriate about you to others or told you the kind of last thing you ever wanted to know on earth and totally could ruin your Perfect Sunny Day... Don't let it ruin it! 
"Good Morning, Sunshine! Wake up with the Right Feet!"  If There's gonna be a Storm, Let's Dance In The Rain!  

- "Learn to Forgive and Move on. Let Go What you Can't change. Be Optimistic about Everything in your Life. And Remember There's Always a New Day to Start All Over again." 

- "Don't Let Anything or Anyone Ruin your Day. If you don't use Sun glasses or an umbrella it's Up to you!"

If you wanna know about me...    http://instagram.com/candyshopii


martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

Positive Thinking! Lie to Yourself Until It Became True!

Think "Positive." Being "Optimistic" is an Art. 

You can train yourself to be Better Every Day. Being the "Best" Version of Yourself. You can start by little baby steps, you don't have to rush yourself. You Just have to Start from the very Beginning and Keep Moving Forward Until you Can't Stop! 

There's nothing worst than bringing up all your nightmares from your mistakes to bed before morning breakfast. Hate the Mistake. LOVE the LESSON! Wake up with the Right Foot!   Don't freak out if you have to lie to yourself "Just a Little Bit" to keep moving around! Cause All this "Small White Lies" can come true any minute!  Like trying to look your best in a daily basis when you go out from your house so that when you finally meet today that "Soul mate" of yours you've been waiting for... You don't look like trash!  

Doing ALL your homework on time so you can beat the Nerdy Einstein Brain of the Class and get better grades too!  Going to the gym thinking Someday you will Thank it to yourself when you look to the mirror and you feel like you are ready to make your own Cover Magazine! Or Start Dating again! Getting to Know New People and Letting New People Know you! Maybe you will meet someone really interesting enough to pass this time from the first and third date to to get a dozen dates more!  

The Only Thing is you need to be Positive and Optimistic to Every Little Moment in your Lifetime. LIFE is made of "Little moments" anyway! So Enjoy it! Try Harder! Learn Faster! Forgive Quickly! Travel to New Places! Know Different People! Smile brighter! And Kiss More Often!  :) 

If you wanna know about me...    http://instagram.com/candyshopii


lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

Begin Again. Could you Start All Over Again?

Start Again. Begin Again. From Zero to your Own Hero! Del Suelo al Cielo! 

Could you be that Brave to Start Over Again? 
You are the Most Important Person in this Whole World for Yourself. Does it sound "Selfish"? Selfishly Great! Let's Call It: "Your Own Personal Truth!"

You were born to be "Great", Not to Care What Others Think About You. Not to Please Everyone But YOUrself! 

So Start "Today" Push the "START" Button and Start All Over Again. But Let's Do the Things Right this Time. Is YOUr Life. YOUr time. YOUr own decisions and B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L Mistakes. I Can't Stop Standing Out the Beauty of making mistakes because is the Only Way to Learn from Life. Life is Beautiful. People Sometimes are not. But Let's focus in What Really Matters. "Whatever" makes you "Happy." Just "DO it." 
"Money, Friends, Romances, Relatives... Comes and Goes." The Only Thing that Stays in your Life. Is YOU. So Be "Good" to Others but First to "Yourself."

- Thanks God for giving me "Another Day." Another Day to Wake Up and Dream. To Forgive and Be Forgiven. To Fall in and Fall Out of Love. To Forget and Be Forgotten. For the Best and For the Worst. For the Right and the Wrong. For Everything and Nothing at ALL. 

Starting All Over Again Another Day "Just For me."

If you wanna know about me...    http://instagram.com/candyshopii


viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

Hero or Villain? Who Are You?

Are you The Hero or The Villain? 

Most of the Time you have to Choose Between being the "Hero Behind the Cape or the Villain Behind the Mask." The weapon or the Injury, The Killer or the Kill, the Perpetrator or Victim, The Illness or the Cure, The Gun or the Bullet. The main thing isn't what Others Think you are. Who Do you think you are? Who Do you Really Want to Be? 

- Honestly I think that "Maybe Sometimes We are a Little Bit of Either or Both." Who do you think is more guilty, Who killed the Cow or Who pulled the leg? 

So Serial Killer drop the Knife! And Start thinking back to those Old Memories. Just think deep about it. It was really your own fault? Did you hit her with your "Beautiful Lies" that you used to tell to the Other girls.  Like proposing to every female you know by Saying things "Omg! Do you want to Marry me?" or "What a Beautiful Smile! Why are you so gorgeous?" , Etc. And She finally found out and didn't say anything until it was too late? 

Or Wound Pink Princess from a recent Break-Up. Are you really that quite innocent from it? Didn't you do "Something" to Contribute to the War Where your love turned to be dead and lead to that Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet Final Death? Didn't you took the Venom first by yourself without notice to anyone? Ironically you can never hate who you came to really love but you can still hurt him or her or vice versa.

 The World moves by Love or Fear. They gonna Love you. Or Remember that Humans fear what they don't understand and try to destroy it.   
We can't save everyone. We can't kill everyone. We can't be Hero or Villain to everyone We Know. Sometimes They gonna Love or Hate Us Without Reason or for the Right or Wrong Kind of Reasons. It's Just the Way it is. You Can't Make Everybody Loves you and You Shouldn't Blame Yourself for it.  

- "You Will Always Be the Hero for Someone and the Villain for Someone Else."

If you wanna know about me...    http://instagram.com/candyshopii


miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

"Break Up" or "Make Up" ? What that's supposed to mean?

Wanna - "Break Up or Make Up" ? 

- What do you really want to do? The Word "Up" doesn't mean that the answer is going to fall down from the Sky! The answer is inside of you. Yeah, "Literally" inside those pants where the balls should be in or those lady gaga panties where your vagina may be Party rocking.

- Do you still love him or her?  - Do you still love it?  - Do you still love the Situation you are into? 

- How does the Situation Really Works for you? Is it  Really Right to Wake Up with "Every Single Morning" or Is it Really Wrong to Prevent you from Sleeping at night? 

I am not only talking about a Relationship with Someone. It could be a Relationship with yourself, with your Own style of living. What about a Relationship with your Work? A Relationship with your friends? A Relationship with your Coworkers? A Relationship with the Gym? A Relationship with your Own Body? A Relationship with your own Mind? The Real Relationship starts and ends with YOU. 

So you are the only ONE that gets to decide what you want in your Life. Don't get stuck with any situation that you don't want in it. This includes people, things, actions, places and "Whatever" makes you - Sick & Repulsive making you wanna Vomit and Throw Up! What are you waiting for? There's no more time to lose! You have Only Got One Life! Throw it A-W-A-Y! N-O-W! T-O-D-A-Y! For a Better TOMORROW and Forever and Always! 

LIFE is not a "Bed of Roses" So Wake Up and Smell the Coffee! You decide what you want to do. You are a Grown Up and that makes you to have the Magic Power to Change your Life So in The End You Could Say You Did the Best You Could For Your Own Good!  

you wanna know about me...    http://instagram.com/candyshopii
